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Oil and gas exploration and production. Shipbuilding and ship repair companies. Building and metal processing companies. Arctic Maritime Cluster, Association. 8th International сonference Arctic Logistics.
Разведка и разработка месторождений нефти и газа. ФГБОУ ВО Мурманский арктический государственный университет. ООО Кандалакшский морской торговый порт. 2018- 8-ая международная конференция Логистика в Арктике.
Delta i program for å øke samhandel med Russland igjennom et innovasjonssamarbeid for bedrift til bedrift samarbeid. Det er mange motiver for å delta i samarbeidsprogrammet. Salg av bedriftens produkter på det Russiske markedet gjennom en russisk samarbeidspartner. Tilgang til råvarer fra Russland. Tilgang til nye produkter for det norske markedet. Tel 47 93 98 28 07.
Pavel S Cherkasov
Pavel S Cherkasov
ul. Volodarskogo d.2/12, of. 37, Cherkasov Pavel
Murmansk, n/a, 183038
This is the news archive of BarentsObserver. This website will no longer be updated. News solution by Ramsalt Lab.
The Norwegian Barents Secretariat, P. Box 276, NO-9915 Kirkenes, Norway.
The Joint Norwegian-Russian Environmental Status Report for the Barents Sea. Tue, 03 Mar 2015 12pm. Overview of state and expected situation. Conclusion about the state now and in the future. Some aspects of possible long-term future changes. Summary and concluding remarks about the ecosystem management.
Barents Press International is the joint network of journalists in the Barents Region. Today the network consists of journalists in Sweden, Norway, Russia and Finland conducting projects, travels and other events in order to boost the amount of journalism from the region.